Shaz's friendship

Created by Diana 8 years ago
As I was looking for old photos of Shaz last night, I found this postcard that she sent me years ago, when I was going through a particularly crappy time for one reason or another. On the front of the postcard it states "stay positive" and on the back she has written things like "...remember that I'm here for you and I love you", and various funny supportive statements. This completely sums up to me the type of friend Shaz was; loyal, supportive, consistent, kind and caring, and it reminded me of all the other times and situations in which I've known her to be a generous warm and genuine friend to me and others in her life, always there offering support when you needed or wanted it. It also reminded me of her positive outlook on life and her ability to remain positive in unbelievably challenging circumstances. So sorry to have lost a lifelong friend. Love you Shazface xxx
