Early family memories

Created by lindasa66 7 years ago
I was 12 years old when my Uncle David rang my mum and dad to say he was popping in to see us one afternoon. It was not long after he had arrived at the bungalow, he announced "we have another pitter patter of tiny feet on its way". From that day on I must have asked my mum every day when would the new baby arrive. Eventually the month of July arrived. Now this was extremely exciting for me because I have a birthday in July. And guess what? Every day in July I would ask my mum "Is the baby coming today? Will the baby be born on my birthday?" Sharon arrived safely on July 26th. And guess what? That was the day before my birthday! But that was absolutely fine with me. It was close enough!

I will miss our hugs very much and chatting about everything and anything when we saw each other.

Big hugs for Uncle David, Auntie Joanna, Shelley, James and Simba.

Linda x